Tag: STM32F103RB

  • General Timer based on RTC using stm32f103rb

    This timer uses stm32 internal rtc peripheral to display time. The initialization code is generated using CUBEMX which is embedded inside the CUBE IDE. The code uses itoa() function which needs stdlib.h header file. itoa() function in C language converts the integer into ASCII digits which are stored in a buffer. You can choose the…

  • Mini STM32 V3.0

    This development board has an STM32F103RB microcontroller. In this development board, Mini STM32 Schematic Diagram 2.8 inch TFT LCD Schematic You can develop a program for this board using Keil, IAR or STM32 Cube IDE You can program the microcontroller by holding the BOOT0 button and then while holding the boot button pressing the RESET…

  • How to redirect printf() to USART in STM32f103RB using STM32Cube IDE

    Printf() function can be redirected to USART and also towards SWO. Here you will see how to redirect printf() to USART in STM32f103RB You need to rewrite this code in your main.c file If you have created your project using STM32CubeMX or STM32 Cube IDE, then you can rewrite it in between USER CODE BEGIN…

  • How to use the ST-LINK/V2-1 in STM32L476G-DISCO Board to program the STM32 on an external application board

    Here is the video showing all the steps. ST-Link V2-1 on STM32L476G-Disco Board To use the ST-LINK/V2-1 to program the STM32 on an external application board (out of the STM32L476VGT6 onboard), remove the two jumpers from CN3 as shown in the above figure in red, and connect the board to the CN4 software debug connector…