• How to Control the GPIO of PIC16F877A using MPLAB X IDE

    The PIC16F877A microcontroller is a popular choice for embedded systems development due to its versatility and ease of use. One of the essential aspects of working with microcontrollers is controlling General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins. In this blog post, we will explore how to control the GPIO pins of the PIC16F877A using MPLAB X IDE,…

  • How to Blink LED on Mini STM32 v3.0 Discovery Board Using STM32CubeIDE

    Step 2: Configure GPIO Pins In the Project Explorer pane, expand the “Src” folder and open the “main.c” file. Scroll down to the main() function and add the following code to configure the GPIO pins: This code configures pin 2 on GPIOA as a push-pull output pin with no pull-up or pull-down resistors and low…

  • AVR Input Output Port Programming

    In AVR microcontroller programming, input/output ports are used to interface with external devices such as sensors, switches, LEDs, motors, and other peripherals. Here’s an example of how to program AVR input/output ports using C language: In this example, we set PORTB as an output port by setting all of its pins to output mode. We…

  • Battery Monitoring with Led Light Control Using ESP32 Bluetooth for my Solar System

    I need to monitor battery voltage to check weather my charging system is working correctly or not. But to do that i have get up and walk with my multimeter towards the battery and i have to take these reading in night. I placed my battery in a corner where there is very little light.…

  • How to make ATmega GPIO work as Input or Output

    AVR Input Output Port programming means you have to program its GPIO pins. GPIO – General Purpose Input and Output The GPIO is a very important peripheral of the microcontroller. Using the GPIO we can use the same exact pin for Input or Output. To make the PIN input or output we need to set…