Tag: AVR

  • AVR timer overflow calculator

    Main Clock Frequency (F_CPU): Timer Resolution(8bit or 16bit): Timer Counter Value: Timer Clock Prescaler: 1 8 64 256 1024 Timer Step Period: seconds Overflow Period: seconds Calculate Value Clear Values Code for Calculations

  • How to Transmit Data via UART with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE

  • How to Initialize UART Communication with ATmega328P in AVR C using Arduino IDE

  • Tiny2313 Dev Board

    This is a Tiny development board I made. It is a small size and is ideal for quick prototyping. I made for the Attiny2313 microcontrollers. I started programming with this microcontroller board. Back then I did it on a breadboard. But since now I can know a few things about PCB etching I made this…

  • What are AVR microcontrollers?

    AVR microcontrollers, developed by Atmel Corporation (now Microchip Technology), are designed for embedded applications that require low power consumption, high performance, and a small footprint. The AVR family includes a range of microcontrollers, each with varying processing power, memory capacity, and peripheral features. Overall, AVR microcontrollers are versatile and widely used in a variety of…

  • AVR Input Output Port Programming

    In AVR microcontroller programming, input/output ports are used to interface with external devices such as sensors, switches, LEDs, motors, and other peripherals. Here’s an example of how to program AVR input/output ports using C language: In this example, we set PORTB as an output port by setting all of its pins to output mode. We…

  • Memory Space in ATmega16A

    To effectively program AVR based microcontroller you must have knowledge about its memory space. Since there is not just one memory space. There are three different address spaces. They are: Data memory (SRAM) Here all your the intermediate results are stored and all the run time calculation get carried in this memory space. Program memoryIt…

  • Compile AVR Code in Raspberry Pi

    I have recorded a video showing the steps to compile AVR code. In this video, you will see how to compile AVR led blinking code for the atmega32 microcontroller is being compiled using AVR-GCC in raspberry pi 3 b+. Step 1. : Create a file and put your avr c code in that file. Save…

  • How to install AVR-GCC Compiler in raspberry pi

    In this video, you will see that how avr compiler can be installed in raspberry pi model 3 b+. For steps on how to install avrdude in raspberry pi you can go here. AVR compiler and avrdude together on raspberry pi make it a development environment for embedded systems involving Avr microcontroller.

  • Using USBASP V2.0 AVR Programmer with Raspberry Pi 3

    Raspberry pi or Rpi can be used for programming certain AVR microcontrollers. I have made a video showing you the steps. Step 1: you have to install AVRDUDE Step 2: You can check if the avrdude is installed properly or not using step 3: connect your USBASP v2.0 to your microcontroller Microcontroller Programmed: Atmega32, atmega32a,…