Tag: Raspberry Pi 3

  • Raspberry Pi Model 3b+ Custom Case with Camera Mounting

    I made this enclosure using the MDF sheet. It has all the port openings that raspberry pi has. I made an attachment on the side to mount the camera.

  • How to view PDF in Raspberry Pi model 3b+

    Both Okular and QPDF are great PDF viewers that can be used on a Raspberry Pi Model 3b+. Okular is a graphical application that is easy to use and has a wide range of features, while QPDF is a command-line tool that is lightweight and can be used to quickly view PDF files. Regardless of…

  • Board Specification of Raspberry Pi Model 3b+

    Overview of the Raspberry Pi 3B+ board

  • How to copy files from raspberry pi to PC using SCP

    Introduction Suppose there is a file on your raspberry pi, which you want on your desktop PC or laptop. You can download the file from your raspberry pi. To do this you must be connected to the same router. SCP stands for Secure Copy Protocol Suppose there is a movie in your download folder named…

  • Custom Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry Pi

    Raspberry Pi is good a single-board Linux based computer system. But it runs OK for the most part and does not heat up if you’re not doing CPU hogging tasks. I use my raspberry pi for watching videos. Which heats up the CPU to about 60 degrees celsius. In Delhi, in the summer the ambient…

  • Compile AVR Code in Raspberry Pi

    I have recorded a video showing the steps to compile AVR code. In this video, you will see how to compile AVR led blinking code for the atmega32 microcontroller is being compiled using AVR-GCC in raspberry pi 3 b+. Step 1. : Create a file and put your avr c code in that file. Save…

  • How to install AVR-GCC Compiler in raspberry pi

    In this video, you will see that how avr compiler can be installed in raspberry pi model 3 b+. For steps on how to install avrdude in raspberry pi you can go here. AVR compiler and avrdude together on raspberry pi make it a development environment for embedded systems involving Avr microcontroller.

  • Using USBASP V2.0 AVR Programmer with Raspberry Pi 3

    Raspberry pi or Rpi can be used for programming certain AVR microcontrollers. I have made a video showing you the steps. Step 1: you have to install AVRDUDE Step 2: You can check if the avrdude is installed properly or not using step 3: connect your USBASP v2.0 to your microcontroller Microcontroller Programmed: Atmega32, atmega32a,…