Tag: STM32 Cube IDE

  • How to Blink LED on Mini STM32 v3.0 Discovery Board Using STM32CubeIDE

    Step 2: Configure GPIO Pins In the Project Explorer pane, expand the “Src” folder and open the “main.c” file. Scroll down to the main() function and add the following code to configure the GPIO pins: This code configures pin 2 on GPIOA as a push-pull output pin with no pull-up or pull-down resistors and low…

  • Up Counting Timer using STM32L476

    I have created this Upcounting timer using the RTC of STM32L476vgt. In this timer, time will keep on incrementing and it will be displayed using the onboard LCD. How to Read RTC of STM32L476G-DISCO Here is the code that I have used to make this. I have used STM32 CUBE IDE for programming and debugging…

  • How to Read RTC of STM32L476G-DISCO

    Create a Project in STM32 CUBE IDE for the STM32L476G-DISCO board. Select LSE as Clock Source for RTC The default option is LSI which uses an internal RC circuit. LSE is the external 32KHz crystal that is provided on the board for the RTC. Activate the Clock source and Calendar This will enable the RTC…

  • How to add a new .h header file in STM32 Cube IDE

    Click on [arrow] besides Core in your project explorer Right Click on “Inc” folder and point your mouse at the “NEW” menu item. Select “header file” option A new Header file dialog box will appear Fill in the name of the header file in “Header file” with a dot h extension Click on finish Now…

  • How to add CMSIS DSP Library to STM32 Cube IDE Project for stm32l476vg

    To add CMSIS DSP library in you stm32cube project. You can follow the steps written on ST’s website Configuring DSP libraries on STM32CubeIDE I have also made a video. In this video. I have shown steps to add the arm_math.h header file. You need to configure the stm32 cube ide.

  • How to use LCD Driver of STM32L476VGT on STM32L476 Discovery

    To use the internal LCD driver of stm32l476; the best way is to use the LCD driver provided in the BSP. It is located inside the STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0 repository. Go to the..\STM32Cube\Repository\STM32Cube_FW_L4_V1.16.0\Drivers\BSP\STM32L476G-Discovery Copy the stm32l476g_discovery.c, stm32l476g_discovery.h, stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.c and stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.h Paste the files in your project. Include the header file in your project.#include “stm32l476g_discovery_glass_lcd.h” After this you…

  • How to use printf using serial wire debug on STM32L476 Discovery

    We all use printf statements for debugging purposes at some point in time. To use print statement. You need to do fuse one solder bridge Fuse the solder bridge number SB14. Always be careful since the solder bridges are very small. After you have done fused the solder bridge. You can configure your project in…

  • How to start a project for STM32L476 Discovery in STM32 Cube IDE

    Download the STM32 Cube IDE from https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.html Watch this video tutorial. Write a program using STM32L476G-DISCO Step1: Install STM32 Cube IDE Step2: Create a New Workspace A workspace is a directory which will contain all your code and library related to your project. Step 3: click on “Start new STM32 Project” button Step 4: Select…

  • IDE Supporting STM32L476-Discovery

    An IDE combines a range of different tools which are essential for the development of software. Different IDE from different vendors is available. Here are the IDE that I have used. STM CUBE IDEwebsite: https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stm32cubeide.htmlIt is distribuited freely by ST. You can use this and it has a good device support and newer devices are…