Tag: ST Microcontrollers

  • STM32F746IGT6 – An ARM CORTEX M7 Based Microcontroller

    Datasheet It’s an ARM Cortex M7 based microcontroller which has a maximum clock speed of 216Mhz. Well, it has a few peripherals which when combined with its CPU, makes it a very powerful controller. Those peripherals are LTDC, SDRAM Controller. It also has the usual set of peripherals from the ST. But these in particular…

  • STM32L476vg Discovery Kit Images

    These are two images of the development board. Almost entirely the board is made using SMD components. There are some through-hole components. The back of the development board shows us the different fuses and connections. At the back, there is a battery holder which can be powered using cr2032. The top half of the board…

  • STM32L476vg ARM Cortex M4F Architecture

    It uses ARM v7E-M architecture. It a Harvard based architecture with two distinct buses for data and memory. It has all the instruction set of M0, M1 and M3 . It also has an additional feature set to support Floating-point Arithmetic. IEEE754 standard in single precision and double precision. The following points are from the…

  • ARM Processor Based Microcontrollers from ST

    There are lot of ARM based microcontroller offered by ST. They use ARM Cortex M processor with ST peripheral such as GPIO, ADC etc. They mostly fall into these following groups: ARM Cortex M0 ARM Cortex M3 ARM Cortex M4 ARM Cortex M33 ARM Cortex M7which is also known as M4F as it has an…