Tag: Selecting the Microcontroller

  • 32-bit Microcontrollers

    There are various company which offers the 32-bit microcontrollers. ST, Texas Instrument, Microchip, NXP and Espressif Systems are just to name a few. These all offer a good balance of cost and performance. Each company offers its development board which host a basic environment to support the microcontroller. Depending upon one’s need one may choose…

  • 8-bit Microcontrollers

    As the world is progressing, there is a need to upgrade our product and the 8-bit microcontroller are lagging behind. As the demands are now highly computational. So the 8-bit microcontrollers are lagging. But if you do not have high computational work then these controllers are just what needed. They are built upon so many…

  • Selecting the Microcontroller

    There are different microcontroller offered by various companies. There are various parameters that go into selection of microcontroller. This process is very long and very tedious as you have to consider for future expansion of project. A good textbook will easily get you all these information. 8 bit data bus microcontrollers: Atmel (now Microchip) Atmega…