Category: C Programming Language

  • Introduction to Numerical Integration using C

    Numerical integration plays a crucial role in many applications related to embedded systems, such as control systems, signal processing, and digital filters. However, implementing numerical integration algorithms on embedded systems presents unique challenges due to limited computing resources such as memory, processing power, and clock speed. To address these challenges, developers must carefully choose numerical…

  • The command-line argument in C

    Lets say if we want our program to work with other programs and other program call our program. Then just like how we provide arguments in function call; we can call our program and the arguments can be given using the command line. argc contains the number of argument passed to the main function. argv…

  • Union

    Union is another user defined data type. The difference between union and struct is that; struct uses a contagious memory allocation for each individual item inside it; whereas union uses the size of biggest element for allocation of memory.

  • Convert program written in C into assembly

    Sometimes to understand code , you need to look into assembly language. I write mostly using C. So sometimes to better understand the program i converte the program into assembly. The syntax changes from machine to machine. Here is the program that i will use to convert to assembly using two different machine. One is…

  • Struct

    Variables are used for storage of individual data elements. But what if we want to group different data element and use them as a individual element. Nesting Struct is a way of creating more complex data structure.

  • First Program in C language

    The very first program in every language is “Hello World”. You can compile this program very easily.