Category: STM32

  • STM32F429I-DISC1

    Datasheet for stm32F429ZI This board have a 2.4 Resistive touch TFT LCD. which uses the ILI9341  controller. The touch screen which I got with this display is very bad. you have to press down on the screen before you power ON the device. The microcontroller is based on the ARM CORTEX M4F which can…

  • STM32F746IGT6 – An ARM CORTEX M7 Based Microcontroller

    Datasheet It’s an ARM Cortex M7 based microcontroller which has a maximum clock speed of 216Mhz. Well, it has a few peripherals which when combined with its CPU, makes it a very powerful controller. Those peripherals are LTDC, SDRAM Controller. It also has the usual set of peripherals from the ST. But these in particular…

  • How to redirect printf() to USART in STM32f103RB using STM32Cube IDE

    Printf() function can be redirected to USART and also towards SWO. Here you will see how to redirect printf() to USART in STM32f103RB You need to rewrite this code in your main.c file If you have created your project using STM32CubeMX or STM32 Cube IDE, then you can rewrite it in between USER CODE BEGIN…

  • How to add a new .h header file in STM32 Cube IDE

    Click on [arrow] besides Core in your project explorer Right Click on “Inc” folder and point your mouse at the “NEW” menu item. Select “header file” option A new Header file dialog box will appear Fill in the name of the header file in “Header file” with a dot h extension Click on finish Now…

  • STM32L476vg ARM Cortex M4F Architecture

    It uses ARM v7E-M architecture. It a Harvard based architecture with two distinct buses for data and memory. It has all the instruction set of M0, M1 and M3 . It also has an additional feature set to support Floating-point Arithmetic. IEEE754 standard in single precision and double precision. The following points are from the…

  • ARM Processor Based Microcontrollers from ST

    There are lot of ARM based microcontroller offered by ST. They use ARM Cortex M processor with ST peripheral such as GPIO, ADC etc. They mostly fall into these following groups: ARM Cortex M0 ARM Cortex M3 ARM Cortex M4 ARM Cortex M33 ARM Cortex M7which is also known as M4F as it has an…